T -371 dni
Johari bezi Night Prix 2007, ja se prisla jen podivat - nemam natrenovano a mam cerstve vytrzenou osmicku. Atmosfera je uzasna, pristi rok musim bezet taky.
T -125 dni
Zacinam s treninkem. Mam 4 mesice na to, abych dokazala ubehnout 5K do hodiny :)
T -46 dni
Uz to vypada, ze to za tu hodinu stihnu - zaregistrovala jsem se.
V mape je napsano, ze ocekavany cas posledniho zavodnika je 40 minut. A sakra... Ale tajne doufam, ze 40 minut zvladnu, kdyz se stane zazrak, tak bych mohla pokorit i 35 minut. Kdyz budu mit dobry den, kdyz nebudu nemocna, kdyz... Zacinam z toho byt docela nervozni. Rikam si, ze prece beham pro radost, ne pro cas, ale presto, kdo by chtel byt posledni :)
T -5 dni
Davam si cvicnych 5K v parku pred domem. Prvni polovinu se snazim drzet tep na 140-150, v druhe plovine do 160 - dobiham za 36.37. Prijemne prekvapena, mozna pokorim 35 minut, mozna.
T -3 dny
Dnes bych si mela dat 3.2 km fartlek. A ouha, malem ani nedobehnu, jak me picha v brise. Zdrcena se vracim domu, takhle to nepujde. Do zavodu uz radeji v bezeckem venku neukazu, snad to pomuze.

T -8h, 30min
Vola sestra - neni ji dobre, ma strevni chripku, takze mam po fotografovi a hlidaci batuzku. Trochu me to desi - vysvetluje to moji absolutni nechut k jidlu za posledni tri dny. To jsem dopadla jeste dobre. Bez energie, ale schopna pohybu.
T -1h, 50min
S Johari mam sraz az na miste, radeji vyrazim s predstihem, budu muset vycekat frontu na uschovnu.
T -1h
Fronta nebyla :) Takze mam hodinu do startu a jsem ready - je mi zima, ale jinak se citim skvele.
T -30min
Nez jsem se prodrala davy lidi na misto srazu, ubehlo 20 minut. Uz vidim Johari. Honem do uschovny a na start.
T -15min
Do uschovny se prilis neceka, ale kdyz vidim frontu na toalety, zacinam se obavam, abychom dorazily na start vcas. Zajimave je, ze nektere budky jsou obsazene celou dobu naseho cekani, zatimco v jinych se uz vystridalo nekolik lidi. :)
T -8min
Stojime na startu. Na podiu hned vedle seradiste skace David Huf a snazi se nas rozskakat taky. Johari na mne steka "Huf-huf!" a chlame se. I pres velkou tlacenici se temer vsechny bezkyne pridavaji a do rytmu poskakuji "step touch" - nase snaha protahnout si svaly zacina byt marna, je to poradna strkanice.
T -2min
Sundavam si bundu, i kdyz se teplota pohybuje okole 11 stupnu, v takovem davu je mi vedro. Tep stoupa, bohuzel.

Po prvnich par krocich mi tep klesl, tak se mi ulevilo. Ale uz po par dalsich sekundach se vysplhal na 160 a zbytek zavodu jsem dobehla nad 170. Docela me to desilo, ale citila jsem se dobre, dychala jsem 3-3. Na trati se nic zajimaveho nedelo, uzivala jsem si nocni Prahu a fanousky, co me povzbuzovali u trate. Bezela jsem v podstate "na ocasu", kde uz nebyl takovy dav a tak jsem se nemusela nijak tlacit :) Jen konec jsem trochu neodhadla. Mela jsem tolik energie, ze jsem zacala temer sprintovat hned za poslednim mostem, poslednich 700m, ale to bylo moc. Po tom, co jsem predbehla slusne mnozstvi lidi, jsem radeji jeste zpomalila, protoze cil se ne a ne priblizit.
T +33min
Poslednich asi 200m jsem ale zase nasadila tempo, probehla cilem ve 33:55 (takove hezke cislo:) cisteho casu a placla si s Carlem Capalbem - muj pulsmetr ukazoval 198. Snazila jsem se nezastavovat, aby me nemuseli sbirat ze zeme, prostor na to byl. Jenom slecna dobrovolnice udelala s predavani medaile hotovy obrad, na ktery me donutila zastavit :)
T +37min
V cili jsem dostala vodu a banan (ten jsem si prala vymenit za nejaky zluty, protoze byl uplne zeleny a bylo mi ochotne vyhoveno :). Fronta u uschovny i vraceni cipu docela byla, ale slo to rychle.

T +45min
Premyslim, ze bych poprosila nejakeho turistu, aby me vyfotil a fotku mi poslal, nechce se mi odejit bez fotky. Johari me nakonec alespon vyfoti mobilem :)
Zkratka naprosta spokojenost. Za rok bezim zase a rychleji :)
Johari bezi Night Prix 2007, ja se prisla jen podivat - nemam natrenovano a mam cerstve vytrzenou osmicku. Atmosfera je uzasna, pristi rok musim bezet taky.
T -125 dni
Zacinam s treninkem. Mam 4 mesice na to, abych dokazala ubehnout 5K do hodiny :)
T -46 dni
Uz to vypada, ze to za tu hodinu stihnu - zaregistrovala jsem se.
V mape je napsano, ze ocekavany cas posledniho zavodnika je 40 minut. A sakra... Ale tajne doufam, ze 40 minut zvladnu, kdyz se stane zazrak, tak bych mohla pokorit i 35 minut. Kdyz budu mit dobry den, kdyz nebudu nemocna, kdyz... Zacinam z toho byt docela nervozni. Rikam si, ze prece beham pro radost, ne pro cas, ale presto, kdo by chtel byt posledni :)
T -5 dni
Davam si cvicnych 5K v parku pred domem. Prvni polovinu se snazim drzet tep na 140-150, v druhe plovine do 160 - dobiham za 36.37. Prijemne prekvapena, mozna pokorim 35 minut, mozna.
T -3 dny
Dnes bych si mela dat 3.2 km fartlek. A ouha, malem ani nedobehnu, jak me picha v brise. Zdrcena se vracim domu, takhle to nepujde. Do zavodu uz radeji v bezeckem venku neukazu, snad to pomuze.

T -8h, 30min
Vola sestra - neni ji dobre, ma strevni chripku, takze mam po fotografovi a hlidaci batuzku. Trochu me to desi - vysvetluje to moji absolutni nechut k jidlu za posledni tri dny. To jsem dopadla jeste dobre. Bez energie, ale schopna pohybu.
T -1h, 50min
S Johari mam sraz az na miste, radeji vyrazim s predstihem, budu muset vycekat frontu na uschovnu.
T -1h
Fronta nebyla :) Takze mam hodinu do startu a jsem ready - je mi zima, ale jinak se citim skvele.
T -30min
Nez jsem se prodrala davy lidi na misto srazu, ubehlo 20 minut. Uz vidim Johari. Honem do uschovny a na start.
T -15min
Do uschovny se prilis neceka, ale kdyz vidim frontu na toalety, zacinam se obavam, abychom dorazily na start vcas. Zajimave je, ze nektere budky jsou obsazene celou dobu naseho cekani, zatimco v jinych se uz vystridalo nekolik lidi. :)
T -8min
Stojime na startu. Na podiu hned vedle seradiste skace David Huf a snazi se nas rozskakat taky. Johari na mne steka "Huf-huf!" a chlame se. I pres velkou tlacenici se temer vsechny bezkyne pridavaji a do rytmu poskakuji "step touch" - nase snaha protahnout si svaly zacina byt marna, je to poradna strkanice.
T -2min
Sundavam si bundu, i kdyz se teplota pohybuje okole 11 stupnu, v takovem davu je mi vedro. Tep stoupa, bohuzel.

Po prvnich par krocich mi tep klesl, tak se mi ulevilo. Ale uz po par dalsich sekundach se vysplhal na 160 a zbytek zavodu jsem dobehla nad 170. Docela me to desilo, ale citila jsem se dobre, dychala jsem 3-3. Na trati se nic zajimaveho nedelo, uzivala jsem si nocni Prahu a fanousky, co me povzbuzovali u trate. Bezela jsem v podstate "na ocasu", kde uz nebyl takovy dav a tak jsem se nemusela nijak tlacit :) Jen konec jsem trochu neodhadla. Mela jsem tolik energie, ze jsem zacala temer sprintovat hned za poslednim mostem, poslednich 700m, ale to bylo moc. Po tom, co jsem predbehla slusne mnozstvi lidi, jsem radeji jeste zpomalila, protoze cil se ne a ne priblizit.
T +33min
Poslednich asi 200m jsem ale zase nasadila tempo, probehla cilem ve 33:55 (takove hezke cislo:) cisteho casu a placla si s Carlem Capalbem - muj pulsmetr ukazoval 198. Snazila jsem se nezastavovat, aby me nemuseli sbirat ze zeme, prostor na to byl. Jenom slecna dobrovolnice udelala s predavani medaile hotovy obrad, na ktery me donutila zastavit :)
T +37min
V cili jsem dostala vodu a banan (ten jsem si prala vymenit za nejaky zluty, protoze byl uplne zeleny a bylo mi ochotne vyhoveno :). Fronta u uschovny i vraceni cipu docela byla, ale slo to rychle.

T +45min
Premyslim, ze bych poprosila nejakeho turistu, aby me vyfotil a fotku mi poslal, nechce se mi odejit bez fotky. Johari me nakonec alespon vyfoti mobilem :)
Zkratka naprosta spokojenost. Za rok bezim zase a rychleji :)
T -371 days
Johari is running Night Prix 2007. I'm just watching - I haven't trained and I've got newly extirpated wisdom tooth. Atmosphere is amazing - the next year I have to run too.

T -125 days
I'm starting my treenink. I've got four months to learn how to run 5K in an one hour :)
T -46 days
It seems that I will be able to run it in the hour - I've registered.
At the map of the race on the web there is written that the expected time of the last runner is 40 minutes. Damn... My secret wish is to handle this race in 40 minutes and if there will happen a mirracle I could beat the 35 minutes. If it's a good day, if I'm not ill, if... I'm starting to be pretty nervous from it. I know that the time is not the most impotant - I run for the great feeling, not for the time. However who wants the be the last one at the finish? :)
T -5 days
I try to run my private dummy 5K race at the local park. First part I run on 140-150 heart-rate then I try to stay under 160. I'm finihing at 36.37. I'm pleasantly surprised - it seems that I may beat the 35 minutes.
T -3 days
Today I should run the 3.2 km fartlek. Gosh! I'm almost not able to finish the route - I've got terrible stomach ache. I'm heartbroken. That's not how it should be. I won't run till the race to take some rest.
T -8h, 30min
I've got the phone call from my sister. She's sick - some stomach troubles. So I have no photographer and no one to guard my bag. I'm quite scared - that explains my total aversion to any food in last three days. However I see that it could be worse than that. I don't have much energy nevertheless I can move and don't feel sick.
T -1h, 50min
The meeting with Johari s at the start so I'm leaving the house early to make sure that I will have enouhg of time to wait at the queue to the baggage tent.

T -1h
There was no queue :) It's an hour till the start and I'm ready. I'm quite cold however I feel good.
T -30min
It took 20 minutes to brush past the crowds of people. I can see Johari already so let's quickly go to the baggage tent.
T -15min
There was no long waiting to the baggage tent. The worse thing was the queue to the toilets. I was a bit afraid if we would be able to get to the start at time. The interesting thing was that some toilets were occupied constantly for the whole time of our waiting whereas at the others many people have taken turns. :)
T -8min
We are standing at the forming-up place. David Huf (popular Czech aerobic coach) is dancing on the stage near us and encouraging all runners to dance with him. Johari is laughing and barking "Huf-huf!". Even it's really crowded there the most of runners have started jumping and dancing with David. Our effort to stretch our legs has no effect. We are happy that no one have treaded us down.
T -2min
I'm taking off my wind jacket even there is only about 11 degrees of Celsius. There is hot at the crowd. My heart-rate is rising - unfortuantely.
After first steps my heart-rate decreased however after next few seconds it have raised to 160 and the rest of the race I was running over 170. It was a bit scary for me nevertheless I was feeling good and breathing 3-3 for the whole time with no problems. I was enjoing the night Prague and hundreds of fans all around the route. I was running at the tail of the field so I had no need to press forward and weave my way :) I've made a poor judgement at the last kilometer. I've allready seen the finish so I've started to run quite fast. I had to slow down after about 600m.
T +33min
Last 200 meters I've speed up one more time. I run through the finish very quickly and stroke my hand with Carlo Capalbo. My time have been 33.55 (such a nice number:) real time. I was trying not to stop immediatelly because my watches were telling me that my heart-rate is 198 - I didn't want them to pick me up from the ground. However the girl who gave me the medal forced me to stop - it was the long ceremony :)
T +37min
They gave me the water and banana at the finish (I had to ask them to change my banana for the yellow one:). There was quite long queue for the baggages and for returning the chips. The organizers were fast and it tooks just a few minutes.
T +45min
I want to ask some tourist to take my photo and send it to my email - I really don't want to leave this place without the picture. Johari has a good camera on her mobile phone so I've quite nice photo finally :)
It was a really great experience and I hope I will run faster next year :)
Johari is running Night Prix 2007. I'm just watching - I haven't trained and I've got newly extirpated wisdom tooth. Atmosphere is amazing - the next year I have to run too.

T -125 days
I'm starting my treenink. I've got four months to learn how to run 5K in an one hour :)
T -46 days
It seems that I will be able to run it in the hour - I've registered.
At the map of the race on the web there is written that the expected time of the last runner is 40 minutes. Damn... My secret wish is to handle this race in 40 minutes and if there will happen a mirracle I could beat the 35 minutes. If it's a good day, if I'm not ill, if... I'm starting to be pretty nervous from it. I know that the time is not the most impotant - I run for the great feeling, not for the time. However who wants the be the last one at the finish? :)
T -5 days
I try to run my private dummy 5K race at the local park. First part I run on 140-150 heart-rate then I try to stay under 160. I'm finihing at 36.37. I'm pleasantly surprised - it seems that I may beat the 35 minutes.
T -3 days
Today I should run the 3.2 km fartlek. Gosh! I'm almost not able to finish the route - I've got terrible stomach ache. I'm heartbroken. That's not how it should be. I won't run till the race to take some rest.
T -8h, 30min
I've got the phone call from my sister. She's sick - some stomach troubles. So I have no photographer and no one to guard my bag. I'm quite scared - that explains my total aversion to any food in last three days. However I see that it could be worse than that. I don't have much energy nevertheless I can move and don't feel sick.
T -1h, 50min
The meeting with Johari s at the start so I'm leaving the house early to make sure that I will have enouhg of time to wait at the queue to the baggage tent.

T -1h
There was no queue :) It's an hour till the start and I'm ready. I'm quite cold however I feel good.
T -30min
It took 20 minutes to brush past the crowds of people. I can see Johari already so let's quickly go to the baggage tent.
T -15min
There was no long waiting to the baggage tent. The worse thing was the queue to the toilets. I was a bit afraid if we would be able to get to the start at time. The interesting thing was that some toilets were occupied constantly for the whole time of our waiting whereas at the others many people have taken turns. :)
T -8min
We are standing at the forming-up place. David Huf (popular Czech aerobic coach) is dancing on the stage near us and encouraging all runners to dance with him. Johari is laughing and barking "Huf-huf!". Even it's really crowded there the most of runners have started jumping and dancing with David. Our effort to stretch our legs has no effect. We are happy that no one have treaded us down.
T -2min
I'm taking off my wind jacket even there is only about 11 degrees of Celsius. There is hot at the crowd. My heart-rate is rising - unfortuantely.
After first steps my heart-rate decreased however after next few seconds it have raised to 160 and the rest of the race I was running over 170. It was a bit scary for me nevertheless I was feeling good and breathing 3-3 for the whole time with no problems. I was enjoing the night Prague and hundreds of fans all around the route. I was running at the tail of the field so I had no need to press forward and weave my way :) I've made a poor judgement at the last kilometer. I've allready seen the finish so I've started to run quite fast. I had to slow down after about 600m.

Last 200 meters I've speed up one more time. I run through the finish very quickly and stroke my hand with Carlo Capalbo. My time have been 33.55 (such a nice number:) real time. I was trying not to stop immediatelly because my watches were telling me that my heart-rate is 198 - I didn't want them to pick me up from the ground. However the girl who gave me the medal forced me to stop - it was the long ceremony :)
T +37min
They gave me the water and banana at the finish (I had to ask them to change my banana for the yellow one:). There was quite long queue for the baggages and for returning the chips. The organizers were fast and it tooks just a few minutes.
T +45min
I want to ask some tourist to take my photo and send it to my email - I really don't want to leave this place without the picture. Johari has a good camera on her mobile phone so I've quite nice photo finally :)
It was a really great experience and I hope I will run faster next year :)
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